
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

6th Grade Soda Can Op Art

I loved this project.  This has now become my favorite 6th grade project. There were so many different elements that went into this project and 6th grade students rocked it!  I was so impressed by the work they did.  I have around 200 6th graders and this is just a handful of the drawings they did, but the majority of students were so successful and much of the results reflect the images in this post.

We spent about 4 classes on this project.  
  • The first day we did a step by step drawing of a pop can.  Students were then given a handout of about 10 different kinds of pop and they began drawing the logo.  
  • On the second day students finished drawing the logo and began shading in the pop can with drawing pencils and blending sticks.
  • On the third day we talked a little bit about OP Art and created our backgrounds together. I did require students to have 4-5 circles on their drawing.  We drew them together by tracing around circles around the classroom.  They then had the option to create a checker board or the curved line background. They then filled in the background with markers.
  • On the last day students finished the background by choosing the colors of the soda can to fill in with marker.
Here are just SOME of the  awesome drawings the 6th graders made.  What do you think?


  1. WOW! Your students did an amazing job on the project. I love what they were able to do with just a pencil and shading! A talented group of artists. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you! It was a really fun project to do with the kids.

  2. You obviously have a passion for teaching art and it looks as if you are able to get that same passion out of your students.
