
As An Artist

Art is an elevation of being. It transcends conventional thinking. It requires looking at the world in a different way. Some would say that its entertainment or candy for the eye; others would argue that its a way of life. For me, art is an escape. Through art I can explore the world. Sometimes I discover whole new worlds, my own world. A place where time has no meaning and the world around me becomes a beautiful canvas. Through art abstractions become defined, raw emotion can be captured; the beauty of the human form can be frozen in time. People have sight; art becomes the vision, a way of seeing. Art helps you look beyond the surface and see what you might have otherwise missed.

            Art has opened a door for me to a world of learning and possibilities. The learning process is something that I am passionate about. The gift of vision through the world of art was given to me, and it is something that I cherish. I want to be able to take the world around me and unleash the beauty in others lives. This is what sparked my journey into art education. By encouraging critical thinking amongst young students, I want to tap into a different type of intelligence. In art education, the possibilities are endless. With imagination as a guide, I hope to inspire individuals to envision a world to live in, a community that they create. This is the most important gift that an art educator can give: a non-subjective opportunity of learning.

            My current body of work speaks on the process of creating, learning, and discovering. I have a vast range of work, in multiple mediums. My potential and capacity for learning has yet to be reached. This process will drive my creativity not only through our world as an artist but also as an educator. No matter how gradual and slow this process may seem, I am confident that I will find my place.

Check out my paintings here.
Check out my ceramic work here
Check out my drawings and prints here.


  1. You seem like a very fun teacher. Summer School just ended and my child came home crying her face off because yo are going to teach in Ralston. You gave my daughter a really great experience!

    1. I'll miss my students at LL very much! They've given me inspiration as I further my teaching career. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Hi Abby, I saw your video from the Summer AOE Conference on creating ceramics without a kiln. My question for you is, what is the water to Liquitex Gloss Medium ratio? Forgive me if I missed this posted somewhere! Thank you.

    1. I usually go about 2 parts water to 1 part medium. It should be fluid, but when dipped it dried it should still have a glossy finish. I'd suggest experimenting with a small batch to figure out the right consistency for you!

  3. So great at you work keep it up!
