In my three years of teaching I'm yet to have a sick day (now that I've written that I will probably be bound to my bed with some sort of ailment tomorrow or next week during Spring Break). Sure, I've had subs, but conveniently for me I've always been able to plan out lessons in advance. As all teachers know--SUB PLANS WILL BE THE DEATH OF YOU. When I start to write them I always ask myself, "Do I really have to be gone, this is just too much work!" And then I have to think about "will my sub actually be an 'art' person?" Not knowing this I don't always want to continue on with our projects because you know...I don't want them to be destroyed! Ye of little faith, I suppose.
Anywho, I try to simplify it as best I can for the sanity of the sub and myself. This lesson here was awesome. I was doing mono printing with 4th and 5th graders and no way was I about to continue that with a sub (my head hurts just thinking about it). The only resource they used was this handout to draw, otherwise the rest was up to them.
My favorite resource to inspire sub lessons is Art for Kids Hub. The "how to" drawing instructions ROCK, plus the videos are pretty cool too. We all know how I feel about erasers and the drawing how to's don't even require erasing lines!
What are some of your go to resources when planning for a sub?