Have you ever had a class who hasn't liked learning about Wayne Thiebaud? I certainly haven't. However, after that first day of looking at his work some students do look as if they could kill me with their eyes---No, sorry guys I did not bring all 170 4th graders a slice of cake! Sorry not sorry. But they get over it....kind of.
I've done a lesson about Thiebaud every year with 4th graders, but it has certainly varied from year to year. Check those out here and here. This lesson is a combo of the two. Thiebaud's work is a fantastic example for students to see the difference between geometric shapes and forms, and of course we hit on repetition, shadows, value, edge of page, composition, and balance. Really, it's a loaded lesson.
I'm totally biased, but I think these 4th graders created some pretty fantastical stuff. It's rad. Speaking of rad, check out my rad sweatshirt.
OH EM GEE when the kids realize what painting is on my sweatshirt, THEY FREAK OUT. Have you guys heard of this company, Rad? It's the greatest. They take paintings and put song lyrics over top of them, it's an artistic mashup so to speak. Some of them are just straight up hilarious. I'm thinking about getting this one next.
Well, now I'm off to eat the only thing that I can bake---tie dye cake.
Well, now I'm off to eat the only thing that I can bake---tie dye cake.
This one time at summer camp (circa 2010) I did and it rocked. Best day of my life.